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List of supported websites

* free articles only.

World news

Foreign Affairs - Foreign Policy - Harper's Magazine - Inkl - Newsweek - Reuters - Stratfor - The American Interest - The Atlantic - The Christian Science Monitor - The Nation - The New Republic - The New York Review of Books - The New York Times - The Spectator World - The Washington Post - Time Magazine


Adweek* - American Affairs - American Banker - Barron's - Bloomberg - Business Insider - Digiday - Entrepreneur - Forbes - Fortune - Harvard Business Review* - Inc.com - Law.com* - Law360* - MarketWatch - MIT Sloan Management Review - Quartz - S&P Global - Seeking Alpha - Stock News - The Business Journals* - The Business of Fashion - The Wall Street Journal - Vogue Business

Grouped in options:
California Business Journals sites like
Los Angeles Business Journal - Orange County Business Journal - San Diego Business Journal - San Fernando Valley Business Journal

Crain Communications sites like
Ad Age - Automotive News - Crain's Chicago Business - Crain's Cleveland Business - Crain's Detroit Business - Crain's New York Business - Modern Healthcare

PEI Media sites (opt-in to custom sites)


Chemical & Engineering News - Discover Magazine - Medscape - MIT Technology Review - National Geographic USA - Nautilus - New Scientist - Popular Science - Science* - Scientific American - Times Higher Education - VentureBeat

Grouped in options:
GenomeWeb sites like
360Dx - GenomeWeb - Precision Oncology News
The Chronicle sites like
The Chronicle of Higher Education - The Chronicle of Philanthropy

Encyclopedia/Book library/Knowledge base

BBC History Extra - Encyclopedia Britannica - eNotes - Glassdoor - Loeb Classical Library - Philosophy Now - Quora - SlideShare - Statista - StuDocu


Medium* - Substack
Grouped in options:
Medium custom domains like (opt-in to custom sites for unlisted)
Better Programming - Towards Data Science
Substack custom domains (opt-in to custom sites)

Apollo Magazine - Artforum - Artnet - Atavist Magazine - Axios - Commentary Magazine - ESPN USA - Field & Stream - First Things - National Review - Outdoor Life - Puck.news - RugbyPass - Slate - SofRep - Sports Illustrated - The Art Newspaper - The Athletic - The Intercept - The Daily Beast - The Daily Wire - The New Atlantis - The Point Magazine - The Wrap

Grouped in options:
Condé Nast magazines sites like
Architectural Digest - Bon Appétit - GC - The New Yorker - Vanity Fair - Vogue USA - Wired
Hearst Communications magazines sites like
Bicycling - Cosmopolitan - Country Living - Elle USA - Esquire - Good Housekeeping - House Beautiful - Men's Health - Popular Mechanics - Prevention - Road & Track - Runner's World - The Hollywood Reporter - Town & Country - Women's Health

Madavor Media sites (opt-in to custom sites)
Outside magazines sites like
Backpacker - Beta - Better Nutrition - Clean Eating - Climbing - Cycling Tips - Gym Climber - Outside - Oxygen - Peloton - Podium Runner - Rock and Ice - SKI - Trail Runner - Triathlete - Vegetarian Times - Velo News - Women's Running - Yoga Journal
Penske Media Corporation sites like
Billboard - Rolling Stone - Sportico - Variety - WWD

Local USA news

Albuquerque Journal - Honolulu Star-Advertiser - Los Angeles Times - Mountain View Voice - New York Magazine (+ Curbed, Grub Street, The Cut & Vulture) - Newsday - Palo Alto Online - Pittsburgh Post Gazette - San Diego Union Tribune - Star Tribune - Tampa Bay Times - The Advocate - The Atlanta Journal-Constitution - The Boston Globe - The Dallas Morning News - The Hill - The New Orleans Advocate/The Times-Picayune - The New York Post - The New York Sun - The Seattle Times - The Philadelphia Inquirer

USA Today
Grouped in options:
Advance Local sites like
AL/Alabama - MLive/Michigan - NJ/New Jersey - Staten Island Advance - The Express-Times - The Oregonian - The Patriot-News - The Plain Dealer - The Post-Standard - The Republican
Gannett Group (local USA Today) sites like (opt-in to custom sites for unlisted)
Austin American-Statesman - Democrat and Chronicle - Detroit Free Press - Knoxville News Sentinel - Memphis Commercial Appeal - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel - The Arizona Republic - The Cincinnati Enquirer - The Courier-Journal - The Detroit News - The Indianapolis Star - The News-Press - The Oklahoman - The Record (North Jersey) - The Tennessean
Hearst Communications (newspapers) sites like (opt-in to custom sites for unlisted)
Houston Chronicle - San Antonio Express-News - San Francisco Chronicle
Lee Enterprises Group sites like (opt-in to custom sites for unlisted)
Arizona Daily Star - Omaha World-Herald - Richmond Times-Dispatch - The Buffalo News - Tulsa World - Winston-Salem Journal
McClatchy Group sites like (opt-in to custom sites for unlisted)
Belleville News-Democrat - Fort Worth Star-Telegram - Lexington Herald-Leader - Miami Herald - The Charlotte Observer - The Fresno Bee - The Kansas City Star - The News & Observer - The Sacramento Bee - The State - The Wichita Eagle - Tri-City Herald
MediaNews Group sites like (opt-in to custom sites for unlisted/local sites)
East Bay Times - Orange County Register - St. Paul Pioneer Press - The Denver Post - The Mercury News - The Press-Enterprise
TownNews sites (Blox CMS) sites (opt-in to custom sites)
Tribune Publishing Company sites like
Baltimore Sun - Capital Gazette - Chicago Tribune - Daily Press - Hartford Courant - New York Daily News - Orlando Sentinel - SunSentinel - The Morning Call - The Virginian-Pilot


iPolitics - Le Devoir - Saltwire Network - The Globe and Mail - The Hill Times - The Lawyer's Daily - Winnipeg Free Press

Grouped in options:
Groupe Capitales Médias sites like (opt-in to custom sites for unlisted)
Le Soleil
Postmedia Network sites like (opt-in to custom sites for unlisted)
Calgary Herald - Financial Post - National Post - The Province - Toronto Sun - Vancouver Sun
TorStar sites like
The Toronto Star and regional sites Niagara Falls Review - Peterborough Examiner - St. Catharines Standard - The Hamilton Spectator - Waterloo Region Record - Welland Tribune



United Kingdom/Ireland

Belfast Telegraph - Business Post - Citywire - Evening Standard - Financial News - Financial Times - iNews - Investors' Chronicle - Irish Independent - London Review of Books - New Left Review - Private Equity News - Prospect Magazine - Tes Magazine - The Banker - The Critic - The Economist - The Independent - The Irish Times - The New European - The New Statesman - The Scotsman - The Spectator - The Telegraph - The Times (link to archive.is) - The Times Literary Supplement - UnHerd




Suomen Sotilas - Iltalehti


60 Millions de consommateurs - Alternatives Economiques - Atlantico - Auto Plus - Causeur - Challenges - Charlie Hebdo - Connaissance des Arts - Elle - Esprit - Franc-Tireur - L'Avenir - L'Écho - L'Équipe - L'Express - L'Humanité - L'Obs - L'Oeil de la Photographie (fr/en) - L'Opinion - L'Usine Nouvelle - La Croix - La Libre - La Nouvelle République du Centre-Ouest - La Tribune - La Vie - Le Journal du Dimanche - Le Journal du Net - Le Nouvel Economiste - Le Parisien - Le Télégramme - Le Vif - Les Échos - Les Inrockuptibles - Marianne - Mediapart (fr/en/es) - Paris Match - Philonomist (fr/en) - Philosophie Magazine - Public - Science & Vie - Sciences et Avenir - Télérama - Valeurs Actuelles

Grouped in options:
Groupe Centre France sites like (opt-in to custom sites for unlisted)
La Montagne
Groupe EBRA sites like
Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace - L'Alsace - L'Est Républicain - Le Bien Public - Le Dauphiné Libéré - Le Journal de Saône-et-Loire - Le Progrès - Le Républicain Lorrain - Vosges Matin
Groupe La Dépêche sites like
Centre Presse - L'Indépendant - La Dépêche du Midi - La Nouvelle République des Pyrénées - Le Petit Bleu d'Agen - Midi Libre - Midi Olympique
Groupe Nice-Matin sites like
Monaco-Matin - Nice-Matin - Var-Matin
Groupe Rossel sites like
L'Aisne nouvelle - L'Ardennais - L'Est-Éclair - L'Union - La Voix du Nord - Le Courrier picard - Le Soir - Libération Champagne - Nord Éclair - Nord Littoral - Paris Normandie - SudInfo
Groupe Sud Ouest sites like
Charente libre - La République des Pyrénées - Sud Ouest


Allgäuer Zeitung - Augsburger Allgemeine - Automobilwoche - Badische Neueste Nachrichten - Berliner Zeitung - Cicero - Der Spiegel (link to archive.is) - Der Tagesspiegel (link to archive.is) - Die Rheinpfalz - Die Zeit - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - Freie Presse - Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger - Kölnische Rundschau - Krautreporter - Mitteldeutsche Zeitung - Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung - Neue Westfälische - Nordwest Zeitung - Piqd.de - Rhein-Zeitung - Schleswig-Holsteinischer Zeitungsverlag - Schweriner Volkszeitung - Volksstimme - Weltkunst - Westdeutsche Zeitung

Grouped in options:
Funke Mediengruppe sites like (opt-in to custom sites for unlisted)
Berliner Morgenpost - Braunschweiger Zeitung - Hamburger Abendblatt - Neue Ruhr Zeitung - Ostthüringer Zeitung - Thüringer Allgemeine - Thüringische Landeszeitung - Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung - Westfalenpost - Westfälische Rundschau
Madsack Mediengruppe sites like (opt-in to custom sites for unlisted)
Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung - Kieler Nachrichten - Leipziger Volkszeitung - Lübecker Nachrichten - Märkische Allgemeine - Neue Presse (Hannover) - Ostsee-Zeitung - RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland
Rheinische Post Mediengruppe sites like Aachener Nachrichten - Aachener Zeitung - General-Anzeiger Bonn - Rheinische Post - Saarbrücker Zeitung - Trierischer Volksfreund
Westfälische Mediengruppe sites like
Münstersche Zeitung - Westfalen-Blatt - Westfälische Nachrichten


Corriere della Sera - Corriere dello Sport - Domani - Eastwest - Il Fatto Quotidiano - Il Foglio - Il Manifesto - Il Tirreno - Internazionale - Italia Oggi - La Gazzetta dello Sport - La Nuova Sardegna

Grouped in options:
Gruppo GEDI.it sites like
Italian.tech - La Repubblica - Le Scienze

Il Messaggero and regional sites like Corriere Adriatico - Il Gazzettino - Il Mattino - Quotidiano di Puglia

Quotidiano Nazionale and regional sites like Il Giorno - Il Resto del Carlino - Il Telegrafo Livorno - La Nazione


De Tijd - Financieele Dagblad - Follow the Money - Groene Amsterdammer - Het Laatste Nieuws (link to archive.is)) - Knack - Krant van West-Vlaanderen - NRC Handelsblad - Telegraaf - Vrij Nederland

Grouped in options:
Algemeen Dagblad (+ regional; link to archive.is) sites like
Algemeen Dagblad - BN DeStem - Brabants Dagblad - Eindhovens Dagblad - Gelderlander - PZC - Stentor - Tubantia
DPG Media (not ADR) sites like
De Morgen - De Volkskrant - Humo - Parool - Trouw
Mediahuis België sites like
De Standaard - Het Nieuwsblad
Mediahuis Nederland Regional sites like
Noordhollands Dagblad - Haarlems Dagblad - Leidsch Dagblad - IJmuider Courant - De Gooi- en Eemlander
Mediahuis Noord sites like (opt-in to custom sites for unlisted)
Dagblad van het Noorden - Leeuwarder Courant


Grouped in options:
NHST Media Group sites like
Europower - Fiskeribladet - Intrafish - Intrafish.no - Recharge - TradeWinds - Upstream


Correio da Manhã - Observador - Record




El Confidencial - El Diario.es - El Español - El País - El Periódico de Catalunya - La Vanguardia - Política Exterior

Grouped in options:
ARA sites like
Ara.cat - Ara Balears
Grupo Prensa Ibérica sites like (opt-in to custom sites for unlisted)
Diario de Mallorca - El Día - El Periódico de España - Faro de Vigo - Información - La Nueva España - La Provincia - Levante-EMV - Mallorca Zeitung
Grupo Unidad Editorial sites like
El Mundo - Expansión - Marca
Grupo Vocento sites like
ABC - Diario Vasco - El Comercio - El Correo - El Diario Montañés - El Norte de Castilla - Hoy - Ideal - La Rioja - La Verdad - La Voz de Cádiz - Las Provincias - Sur


Aftonbladet - Dagens Industri - NyTeknik


ArcInfo - Beobachter - Handelszeitung - Neue Zürcher Zeitung (+ regional/opt-in to custom sites) - The Market

Australia/New Zealand

Brisbane Times - Eureka Report - Griffith Review - Intelligent Investor - New Zealand Herald - The Age - The Australian Financial Review - The Saturday Paper - The Spectator Australia - The Sydney Morning Herald - The West Australian (+ regional/opt-in to custom sites) - WAtoday

Grouped in options:
News Corp Australia sites like
Cairns Post - Code Sports - Geelong Advertiser - Gold Coast Bulletin - Herald Sun - Northern Territory News - The Advertiser/AdelaideNow - The Australian - The Chronicle - The Courier-Mail - The Daily Telegraph - The Mercury Tasmania - The Weekly Times - Townsville Bulletin
Australian Community Media (daily) sites like (opt-in to custom sites for unlisted)
Bendigo Advertiser - Central Western Daily - Daily Liberal - Illawarra Mercury - Newcastle Herald - The Advocate - The Border Mail - The Canberra Times - The Courier - The Daily Advertiser - The Examiner - The Northern Daily Leader - The Standard - Western Advocate

East Asia

Asia Times - CommonWealth Magazine Taiwan* - Harvard Business Review China - Initium Media - Mainichi Shimbun - Nikkei Asian Review - NK News* - South China Morning Post - Southern Weekly - Tech in Asia - The Diplomat - The Japan Times - The Star Malaysia


BQ Prime - Business Standard - Hindustan Times - Inc42 - India Today - Live Law - LiveMint - Mid-Day - Outlook - Outlook Business - The Economic Times (ET Prime) - The Financial Express - The Hindu - The Hindu BusinessLine - The Indian Express - Times of India


Globes - Haaretz.co.il - Haaretz.com - The Jerusalem Post - The Marker

Latin America


Ámbito - Clarín - La Nación* - La Voz del Interior


Estado de Minas - Exame - Grupo Abril - O Estado de S. Paulo - O Globo - Valor Econômico

Grouped in options:
UOL sites like
Crusoé - Folha de S. Paulo - UOL


Diario Financiero - El Mercurio (+ regional/opt-in to custom sites) - La Segunda - La Tercera


El Espectador - El Tiempo


Mexico News Daily


Grupo El Comercio sites like Diario Correo - El Comercio - Gestión

* free articles only.

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